"Sex Puzzle" by Kim Soft (more from this author)
Click on a tile and move it to the right spot,
start with the head. Ok, she might not look
that hot - but try pressing Shift-Commodore!

"Sexy Robot" by Beyond Reproach (more from this author)
Nice pics! I played through the game so you don't
have to. Take a look at the sexy robots! :-)

"Sexy Robot 2" by Beyond Reproach (more from this author)
The creator himself sent it to us and thankfully the pictures as well
so Tony doesn't have to spend a week playing the game.

"Strip Tavla" by UFO (more from this author)
Seems like some sort of Strip Backgammon. Nice lady.
Unfortunately I don't know how to play Backgammon... ;)

"Su Sweet" by Byteriders (more from this author)
Oh my, another rare game you actually need to use your brain on! Tough
luck Tony. It's sort of a Tetris clone and for every level you clear some parts
of a picture are revealed. Not all pictures are sexual in nature. Nah-nah! :-P