"Samantha Fox Strip Poker" by Martech (more from this author)
Tons of versions exist of this game, I have no idea which pics
are in the original. In this gallery you'll find all the pics I found.
Nice cheap music composed by Rob Hubbard who tried to stay
anonymous this time. Tough luck, "John York". :) Here's a cover scan.

"Strip Convette" by Uncle Ben's Soft (more from this author)
This is a very complicated future introduction version of Strip Roulette.
It makes my head spin. To spare you the effort, check out the gallerayyy!

"Strip Donna"

To Artworx Strip Poker Shrine

"Strip Poker Italian"
The slideshow is already included in this zipfile.
Or just check out the gallery above. :)

"Strip Poker ver 2" by Data Stream (more from this author)
Another clone of the original Artworx game ? Looks
pretty similar but the gals don't come close.

"Strip Sam"

To Artworx Strip Poker Shrine

"Strip-Tease Ventti"
A finnish Blackjack version with some of the best Ascii art I've ever seen! First
state your sex: male (m) or female (n). Depending on your choice you play against
Olli or Ulla. :) Next question is whether you want to read the instructions (k) or
not (e). Well, then you take another card with (k) and end your turn with (e). Go.